DNW Aero

Clean Sky highlights at a glance: facts & figures

4 Mar 2016

Clean Sky news March 2016

DNW is playing an essential role in supporting the European aeronautics industry to develop innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft.

Demonstration projects are the core element of Clean Sky activities at large scale. Successful DNW-LLF wind tunnel tests enabled to determine the potential of the Contra-Rotating Open Rotor (CROR), U-tail bizjet concept and natural laminar flow wing technologies enabling them to verify the design and to provide confidence in the development before the demonstrator flight. DNW contributed to the three (out of 16) most significant demonstration programs of the Clean Sky journey for environmental improvements to achieve the ACARE 2020 goals.




CROR demo engine flying test bed – test in DNW wind tunnel

SFWA Low Speed BizJet (LSBJ)


SFWA Wing assembly for BLADE demonstrator